Angry birds plush copy

bowzerbird Free

Wish Bloom County / OPUS was still with us. But do love my Angry Birdeeze!

Recent Comments

  1. almost 9 years ago on Betty

    I wonder if the authors are making a statement regarding what happened to Cecil and trophy hunting in general. Some of the animals imaged are on the endangered list.

  2. almost 12 years ago on Betty

    Just glad Betty is out & FREE! She will nurture her writing skills and become a great novelist or where ever her writing forte takes her.

    I know she’s got it in her! A writer she will be regardless of the restaurant’s intentions of vacating the table. Hey, BETTY get an english muffin and more java!

  3. almost 12 years ago on Betty

    Don’t think they went to lunch <> Alix just dropped her at home. Betty will assume her new writing career and big Al will git fired. The crystal ball has spoken.

  4. almost 12 years ago on Betty

    How condescending of Alix. However, after Alix initiates the conversation once Betty gets into the car [if she does], after a while, whatever Alix says, Betty should tell her [Alix] “It’s just a question of time before you lose your job. You know that you will lose your job, don’t you?”

    Alix will wonder how Betty has this supposed insider info. Where did she get this from???

    Alix may not reply but trust me, it will always be in the back of her mind and when she does get fired, she’ll remember the “car conversation” and wonder how Betty knew . . . .

    Betty will already be writing her “best selling novel [??]” and Alix will be desperate IN THIS ECONOMY looking for work.

    Is Alix married, does anyone know? At least Betty has her husband to help financially. The kid could work too. Did Betty get a severance package / unemployment insurance??

    I know the creators will take care of Betty & her family. Alix is cement shooze and living wit da fishes, Tessio & Clamenza told me!!


  5. about 12 years ago on Betty

    Hey, remember “The Stroll” that’s what they’re all lined up for! Yea, we all want to know where this is going. Betty will go home . . . eventually !??! And start her new writing career. SFB’s Alix will lose her job because the company will fold, eventually.

    Makes ya wonder what kind of office she worked in in the first place. That much security or were they hired KNOWING what would happen with ALL the downsizing. Protecting the assets if someone went “postal” the security team looks more “postal” then the workers.

    CIA / FBI / Secret Service Nahhhh!

    Alix, yer next, ya SFB’s! Just a question of time, dorkus!

  6. about 12 years ago on Betty

    Like I said for June 30th:

    Betty has become a “soap opera” and man, now I really empathize with her. Wonder how the cartoon will evolve. I hope Betty gets to fulfill her writer’s dreams and Alex will probably get laid off with everyone else because the company will fold. They fired too many & production will go down because too much pressure & work load will be laid on the remainder. Those left to DO all the other jobs will reach a level of incompetency.

    It’s “The Peter Principle” in effect. It’s a belief that in an organization where promotion is based on achievement, success, and merit, that organization’s members will eventually be promoted beyond their level of ability. The principle is commonly phrased, “employees tend to rise to their level of incompetence.”

    Think about how Alex got her job in the first place. Wasn’t because she was competent, it was because she knew how to “con” those in authority, a true con artist. “Acumen” remember?

    Anyway, hope the writers agree with me and show Alex what a loser she really is and that Betty truly is the winner here. She’ll become a best selling writer and Alex will be on welfare or homeless on the street begging for food where she “eventually” belongs.

    Wonder where the writers got the idea of the “riot squad” to escort her out? If situations like that really exist, we are in trouble. Can’t even express a simple grievance. Her office has become a police state. More police then regular employees! Too bad she didn’t see it coming!Could this really exist?!!!?

  7. about 12 years ago on Betty

    Have to add, Betty reminds me of what happens in Dilbert ALL the time

  8. about 12 years ago on Betty

    Betty has become a “soap opera” and man, now I really empathize with Betty. Wonder how the cartoon will evolve. I hope Betty gets to fulfill her writer’s dreams and Alex will probably get laid off with everyone else because the company will fold. They fired too many & production will go down because too much pressure & work load will be laid on the remainder. Those left to DO all the other jobs will reach a level of incompetency.

    It’s “The Peter Principle” in effect. It’s a belief that in an organization where promotion is based on achievement, success, and merit, that organization’s members will eventually be promoted beyond their level of ability. The principle is commonly phrased, “employees tend to rise to their level of incompetence.”

    Think about how Alex got her job in the first place. Wasn’t because she was competent, it was because she knew how to “impress” those in authority, a true con artist. “Acumen” remember?

    Anyway, hope the writers agree with me and show Alex what a loser she really is and that Betty truly is the winner here. She’ll become a best selling writer and Alex will be on welfare or homeless on the street begging for food where she “eventually” belongs.

    I’ve said my piece and somehow see it coming to fruition!