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  1. about 10 years ago on Ted Rall

    I have never read more stupidity than the comments here. I fly a lot and I a grateful for the professionalism of the people working for the TSA. They have to put up with the crazies, the stupids and the malicious all the while treating average citizens with courtesy and respect. I am old enough to remember “security” prior to the TSA – most didn’t speak any language they were so inarticulate and while they discussed who was going to lunch next a truck could have driven past them. Be anti-government all you want but stop being stupid.

  2. about 10 years ago on John Deering

    Do we really think anyone watching Bill O’Reilly cares much about facts? Being told how to think, what opinions to have is a comfort. He will maintain his ratings, deny the charges, Fox will back him, eventually he will declare vindication. Facts be damned.

  3. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    How long is this anti-knowledge trend going to last? As long as there is Fox News.