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- 3 days ago on Pearls Before Swine
3 days ago
on Baby Blues
“Like a raggedy ann doll that touched a Van de Graff generator.”
3 days ago
on Lio
“Son, you know that rhino is the one that ate Trotter parents right?”
3 days ago
on Over the Hedge
Oh, so that’s what this is about? Your feelings got hurt because people called you out so you just doubled down on backing up an obviously incompetent loser that tried to overthrow the government because he lost? Gosh, almost like there’s a reason. Let’s see why:
Nazis are on your side.President’s right-hand man agrees with them and did 2 seig heils in a row.He agrees with nazis a lot to the point where he said he wants generals like hitler had.And he’s actively trying to create concentration camps whilst secret police are detaining people without cause or warrant because they’re foreign and speaking out against him.
S’almost like there’s a reason we call you nazis: cuz you are.
Nah, you’re just a loser who had to get a 78 year old who convinced a bunch of y’all that “wearing a diaper is manly” and that he’s a big strong leader who will do all your thinking for you. And how he’s cutting billions from food banks and taking away funding for medicaid whilst cutting taxes for his buddies and raising yours in the process. Y’all are deranged and projecting all your problems onto people you want to hate instead of the actual problem.
4 days ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Nah, I’m just autistic. Too many people, too much noise, it gets bad. I got noise cancelling headphones and by god those are so helpful.
4 days ago
on Over the Hedge
The fact that your only retorts are calling people you disagree with mentally unwell really says a lot. You don’t know what’s going on, you don’t know the damage he’s doing, and if you do you don’t care because its not personally affecting you yet. Then when it does you’ll scapegoat it and blame the people you said were deranged.
But go off on how taking money from schools to help special needs kids was a good thing.
5 days ago
on Pearls Before Swine
For some people spending time by yourself is ideal. Personally I prefer it since I don’t like too much noise and if I’m out of the house too long I completely lose all my energy for the day.
6 days ago
on Pearls Before Swine
How? Do you have an example? Legit curious.
6 days ago
on FoxTrot
Really are just a selfish hypocritical idiot, aren’t you? Nothing you’ve said is correct and is just a whining twit who complains about having to participate in the society he takes all the benefits of and gets mad he has to contribute some himself. “But voluntary is fine-” bull. It doesn’t work. There’s a reason most other countries don’t have anywhere near the number of charities we do: They don’t need them. It’s more efficient, it works better and it doesn’t result in people being left out because they weren’t able to pay.
They did. But keep ignoring reality if it helps your case. It would given being a libertarian is all about denial of how reality works.
6 days ago
on FoxTrot
Yeah. Would have. Turns out experts are experts for a reason.
Taxes aren’t socialism and socialism isn’t a bad thing. Y’all just consider everything that isn’t absolute capitalism socialist. Socialism doesn’t mean that people don’t have options or choices in things. It means that the means of production are owned by the workers to make the decisions on what to make with it. If you paid attention in school you’d know that and you’d probably not be a libertarian.
It’s real. Got verified multiple times by multiple news outlets. But go off.
“Pig, you make Amelia Bedelia seem comprehensible.”
-Oh, she’s my aunt!
“That explains so much.”