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  1. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Jeremy Cricket

  2. 11 months ago on Non Sequitur

    By the same logic, the Republicans should support Dick Cheney’s daughter.

  3. over 1 year ago on Outland

    It wasn’t sexual harassment. In the summer of 1993 he and Loni Anderson separated. This strip was published on Sept. 19, 1993.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Bloom County

    I have the book with the album, but never tried to play it. Probably no working turntable at the time.)

  5. about 2 years ago on Perry Bible Fellowship

    AKA: Bad Blake

  6. about 2 years ago on B.C.

    I was Today Years Old when I noticed that his tongue “zots” out of his nose. I’m probably decades behind most of you on this.

  7. over 2 years ago on Bloom County

    Right. And, let’s not forget the culmination of the Great Snake Massacre of ’83 where the battery cable from a 1973 Pinto was beaten senseless.

  8. over 2 years ago on Bloom County

    That makes me wonder. Did classic Bloom Counter ever show a car? I know that the more recent strips have electric/hybrid vehicles and self-driving Uber cars, but I don’t remember ever seeing a car in the old strips.

  9. over 2 years ago on Back to B.C.

    Well, they can’t all be “‘Clams got legs!’ ‘Now I have to kill him.’”

  10. about 4 years ago on Ballard Street

    “Gorilla You’re a Desperado”Song by Warren Zevon

    Big gorilla at the L.A. ZooSnatched the glasses right off my faceTook the keys to my BMWLeft me here to take his place

    I wish the ape a lot of successI’m sorry my apartment’s a messMost of all I’m sorry if I made you blueI’m betting the gorilla will, too

    They say Jesus will find you wherever you goBut when He’ll come looking for you, they don’t knowIn the mean time, keep your profile lowGorilla, you’re a desperado

    He built a house on an acre of landHe called it ‘Villa Gorilla’Now I hear he’s getting divorcedLaying low at L’Ermitage, of course

    Then the ape grew very depressedWent through Transactional AnalysisHe plays racquetball and runs in the rainStill he’s shackled to a platinum chain

    Big gorilla at the L.A. ZooSnatched the glasses right off my faceTook the keys to my BMWLeft me here to take his place