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  1. over 12 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I drive a car and I ride a bicycle…have for years. If I can get to work on a bike I figure I’m doing everyone a favor. And here’s why:

    I pay the same taxes that everyone else does and my impact upon the roads (which those taxes pay for) is far less.

    How many cyclists have you heard about in the news that have killed someone in an accident (other than themselves)?

    My impact upon the environment is far less.

    I’m improving my health, which has a positive effect upon our health services in the long run.

    I don’t advocate cyclists breaking the law. But when the law doesn’t adequately cover cyclists, then what recourse is there? There aren’t enough of us to leverage the system and cycling lobbyists? Ha! Non existent.

    Example: Traffic signals were NEVER set up to account for cyclists. Try this, get on a bicycle one morning and attempt to cross a busy intersection. Sit at the light. (Don’t get on the sidewalk to activate the signal, sidewalks are for “pedestrians”.) Continue sitting at the light until it turns green. You’ll sit there for an eternity…or until a car comes and turns the light for you. Even if you DO activate the crossing signal, oftentimes it only works if there’s a car trying to cross as well…most pedestrians know this.

    Many roads have VERY dangerous sections that don’t allow ample room for cyclists. And as such, unless the cyclist is seen, they’re in danger (especially these days w/ all the distractions available in a car: phones, texting, ipods, etc.). I know it pisses a lot of you folks in cars off, but I’d rather have you mad than unaware and ignorant. It’ll save my life.

    Most of you who are complaining about cyclists have never attempted to commute anywhere. You ride on a bike path on occasion or tool around on the weekend from here to there in the neighborhood. Try commuting for a month, I’d be willing to bet you’ll change your toon. (Yeah, bit of a pun there.)