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  1. 5 days ago on Wizard of Id

    and the most interesting part? is just beginning, if it is allowed to..

  2. 5 days ago on Wizard of Id

    I am not sure how the orange mutant as not been impeached, or impaled yet. Exactly what has he fixed? instead, he became enemies with NATO, is breaking contracts signed with other countries just because he feels like it without accounting for the consequences as if a contract was not signed because each party was getting something out of it, he thinks to administer is to say give it to me just because I say so without me having to pay for it, he thinks other people are at his disposal instead of him (or it) being a government employee itself and getting paid to do a job, he justifies the invasion of a country to another free country because he expects to get something out of it for personal reasons, he put every government job at risk, he made eating eggs a luxury, he says he wants to invade other countries just because, he invents enemies to say he is fighting for a cause and to justify he is getting paid.. just because a bunch of rednecks that think that freedom is to shoot guns while being drunk wanted to give ‘the others’ a lesson.. as if the consequences were just for the others. How a thing that acts like a baby and ‘governs’ by making tantrums and dictating things for his own purpose and not the country is allowed to govern?

  3. about 1 month ago on Broom Hilda

    neither. Again, you will not find Benjamin Franklin mentioned in any physics book. You will find instead names like Maxwell and Newton, people who actually knew how to do math

  4. about 1 month ago on Broom Hilda

    kind of, even though Edison did make some things, but not exactly things that people actually use (besides of the phonograph). Not sure exactly why Musk is even mentioned, or what has he done that is innovative, or what did he invent, or anything. Did he invent the electric car, that has been around even longer than gas car, but not very popular at first? when he made the Tesla he simply used the ideas from the Atom, in the same way Bushnell used the ideas from Magnavox Odyssey when he founded Atari, or Jobs took what everybody else was making and passed at his own (even though he did not know how to program or design a circuit), and before that he claimed that real geniuses steal ideas but after that made a tantrum because he invented rectangular phones. Did he make better what was already there? as far as I know, he created an autopilot that drove somebody into a truck, killed the guy and took no accountability. The new Homer mobile is a giant toaster that can not work when is cold, when is hot, when is wet or when is not in controlled conditions, because tat is why you buy a car..

  5. about 1 month ago on Broom Hilda

    how many times is Benjamin Franklin mentioned in physics books (making aside that the word electricity itself is derived from Greek from observations made in ambergris thousands of years ago)? also, Edison did not invent light-bulb either, he purchased the patent from an English guy

  6. about 1 month ago on F Minus

    may not be the best but the purpose is to get money. Ask Disney

  7. about 2 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    if that would prevent him of posting the cartoon there would be no movies

  8. about 2 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    the Simpsons named it long before it went into production, it was called the Homer Mobile

  9. about 2 months ago on B.C.

    ask her if she is attracted to other men

  10. 3 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Moby → Disco Lies