Beth and lamb

sweetpeapete Premium

Recent Comments

  1. 10 days ago on Ten Cats

    Your kindness is amazing! Thank you!

  2. 14 days ago on Ten Cats

    Actually cats in a fish business could help a lot getting rid of undesirable parts and cleaning up what drops on the floor!

  3. 15 days ago on Ten Cats

    Today I sewed up a dog toy that one of my granddogs chewed a hole in to remove the squeeker. I put it back in and it’s good as new!

  4. 17 days ago on Ten Cats

    My grandmother’s specialty was German Chocolate cake. It was so good, I could make the original recipe but it was never as good as hers. I never thought to ask if she did something different.

  5. 21 days ago on Ten Cats

    I put about 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips in a cup, add some cream, and heat in microwave until chips are melted. Stir until smooth and add vanilla ice cream. YUM!

  6. 25 days ago on Ten Cats

    This is why I make homemade pet food. I don’t trust any manufacturers of pet food

  7. 26 days ago on Ten Cats

    In my hippy days, late 60s through 70s…i drove a blue VW bus with a peace symbol stenciled on the back. I so loved that van.

  8. about 1 month ago on Ten Cats

    I’ve had a lot of rescue dogs through the years, never a bad one. And I’m blessed again with my wee Finn. Actually he picked me…when he focused his eyes on me as he was taken from his crate…i was a goner.

  9. about 1 month ago on Ten Cats

    My neighbor asked me to post a picture of 2 lost dogs that showed up on her porch this morning. She didn’t do Facebook and I did. We have a facebook post: lost n found pets in Jackson n Madison County. Within 10 minutes I had a police officer answering that it was his dogs and his wife had been crying all morning. He picked them up pronto. (He showed my neighbor pictures of the dogs to let her know they were their dogs). Turns out they are neighbors of the guy who mows n bales my pasture and lives on the highway where the owners live. He has a field that is kept mown all the way to our road (about half a mile long). So the dogs chased a rabbit all the way to our road then found a porch to rest on. Good ending!

  10. about 2 months ago on Ten Cats

    I have the most wonderful wee rescue dog (about 2 years now) When I visited the rescue person’s home, she asked of there was anything I didn’t want. I said I didn’t want a boy. She started taking the candidates out of their crates. One looked directly into my eyes and chose me. It was a boy. But I’ve never regretted taking and loving him. He still looks deep into my soul and calms my over active worry and stress.