Sadie was the name of our Queensland Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog), many years ago. Best, and smartest dog I ever had, and lived to be 15 (I still miss her, and she’s been gone for 30 years). The name was perfect for a “cow dog”. We have rescue (retired) racing Greyhounds now (great dogs!). This Sadie looks like a Cocker Spaniel, much like Lady in “Lady and the Tramp”.
I recall there being some serious controversy once when, during one of the NASA missions (either Gemini or Apollo), the astronauts complained to Mission Control that they were sick of drinking Tang and hated the stuff. I’m unsure who it was had a problem with that comment – maybe it was the makers of Tang – but I heard on the news that there were some upset people. My opinion, although not having had any since the 1960’s, is that it is, let’s say, very undesirable. I suppose it might have been okay if there was nothing else, but I can’t imagine drinking it voluntarily!
The eyelashes have long been the way to identify female animals in the comics. However, in reality, I have never seen a cow or hen with long eyelashes.
Forgive my lack of knowledge about Canadian politics, but I was always under the impression that there was widespread support for Trudeau and the Liberals in general, particularly when he first entered office. Also that it was a big deal that his father had also been PM, and now the son was (as supposedly predicted would happen by Richard Nixon during a visit to Canada).
Trudeau was caught flipping off Trump? Bravo for him. Being American but ashamed of Trump, I have thought well of Trudeau ever since the Saturday Night Live sketch from c. 2019 where actors portraying Trudeau, Macron, and Boris Johnson were sitting together at what was the “cool kids’ table” (per Junior High social convention), and they wouldn’t let Trump sit with them! Best SNL sketch ever! (Yes, I know it was just a comedy sketch on TV)
This makes me think of a saying we once used when lying out by the pool or on the beach: “Thirty minutes (or 15 minutes for us fairer-skinned types) on a side, and then out of the fire!”. (However even the 15 minutes is too long now)
I’m pretty sure that the supervisor was incorrect, and I never heard it that way anywhere else. She was adamant about it however, at least in the training session, in particular emphasizing the words “zero tolerance” when I asked about the “repeated” aspect. It is possible that we were talking at cross purposes though. But thank you for the affirmation.
I hope you took my comment suggesting that all women think alike as sarcastic. However, I think that many men do in fact believe that!
An interesting change, but I’ve always been fond of Medusa’s original snakes, particularly when they all have the same smug expression when Medusa makes an appropriate comment.
Sadie was the name of our Queensland Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog), many years ago. Best, and smartest dog I ever had, and lived to be 15 (I still miss her, and she’s been gone for 30 years). The name was perfect for a “cow dog”. We have rescue (retired) racing Greyhounds now (great dogs!). This Sadie looks like a Cocker Spaniel, much like Lady in “Lady and the Tramp”.