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  1. over 12 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Actually, the engineering and physics majors ask, “Why is my job being outsourced to India?” Fortunately nobody’s figured out how to outsource fast food just yet.

  2. over 12 years ago on Luann

    ‘Who doesn’t have to work as hard"? Excuse me, women work far harder than men. Most of them not only work full-time, but the majority of breadwinners are now women, the majority of degree-earners are women, and the majority of housework and child-rearing is still done by women. Men, by contrast, are dropping out of college in increasing numbers and living in their parents’ basement playing videogames until they’re 30. Men work harder, ha. If only.

    Welcome to 2012. In addition to that charming statistic, let’s also add the one where the majority of people in this country are single, not married. So why would we elect married leaders who focus on family when that only represents a minority of the people who live in this country?

  3. over 12 years ago on Luann

    People are not only being racist, but terribly sexist. If this were Gunther talking, would anyone be saying anything about how “sad” they thought his plans were to become CEO, senator and president, and how they thought he’d be “missing out on relationships”?

    It might come as a huge shock but there’s more to life than being in a relationship, and in fact being in a relationship leads people to make horrible choices: they have children when they’re not prepared, they pick their college based on where their boyfriend or girlfriend is going and not where they’d be successful, etc.

    I can’t believe I have to say this about a comic strip character but Delta is in high school, and girls in high school shouldn’t be in serious relationships in the first place, much less worrying about how NOT being in one is going to affect their career path. MUCH LESS worrying about whether being a successful, educated woman in a position of power is “sad” and “lonely”! In fact, no woman should ever be worrying about that at any age, nor deciding that being an achiever is a bad thing. Giving me an f-ing break! What is this, 1890? But that’s in real life. Delta is not a real person.