Since there have been many times where some of the original strips (be it because they were unavailable or the copyright holder didn’t want them released, or what have you) are missing I hazard to say that this weeks should have joined those. I do not recall this dinosaur being such an bully. I lump this behavior in with the Fat Broad abuse of the poor snake. Abuse played for comedy is rarely funny.
Meanwhile, I wish that the powers correlate the dates so that we do not have summer strips in the middle of winter. Having Christmas (anachronisms aside) strips in July is always jarring.
Here in the south what they call “sweet tea” is not tea, but colored sugar water. I swear their “tea” is made by dunking a bag a few times and then filling the water with so much sugar that I am surprised it doesn’t turn to rock candy.
Ordering a cup of hot tea was always hit or miss for the earlier part of my life (I moved constantly as a kid). Add in the milk and eyebrows always raised in question. I guess the net and shows from around the world have made it normal to order hot tea.
Back to the milk, I learned very young to NEVER use both the lemon (which almost every restaurant provided) and the milk. Yuck. My grandmother’s recipe for molasses cookies called for sour milk. That is not milk that went bad, but milk that one has “soured” by adding either lemon juice or vinegar. The recipe is over 100 years old, and everyone loves them. I omit the raisins because I concur with Garfield where they are concerned.
There is an episode of Frasier where Martin (Frasier’s father) goes to the coffee shop that Frasier and Niles frequentt. He orders a black coffee and it pretty much goes like this. That episode is from the 90s, so it truly is a statement more about the pompousness of the drink, than about the age of the drinker. I would hazard a guess that a regular old truck driver would elicit the same response. I am a tea drinker, and I do not recall anything close to the idiocy of “half whip of this, a shot of that, a pump of whatever” being assigned to tea.
But she loves to read, so this comic is an odd one. That child would have bookcases full of books. I send my daughter strips fairly regularly showing Gracie’s love of books.
When I was in college it was the first year they required a computer course. The one I took was basically what to look for in purchasing a computer and basic history. My teacher for the class thought it was stupid. He said as long as we showed up for class every day we would get a B. We were all so clueless that everyone of us except for one thought that “software” meant the 5 1/4 inch floppy disks and “hardware” was the fancy new 3 1/2 ones. After all the old ones could bend. That was fixed during the first class discussion. To get an A we had to write a program. That one kid went around and wrote one for each of us. We didn’t have mouses. I would end up getting quite familiar with the F keys due to my English course. We had to write an essay in the computer lab once a week. Fast forward a few years and Microsoft changed everything.
These are tower desktops. I have a tablet from 2014 that my girls made me get so I could Skype with them that I have used maybe 50 times. I loved seeing the girls, but a phone is easier to hold. I still use a corded phone for most calls. I was prodded into getting a smartphone a few years ago. It sits on my desk mostly unused. I got a new number for it so that I could keep my flip phone. It is only the third one I have had in over 20 years. Each time I was forced to get a new because the old one would no longer be able to connect to the network. The last time AT&T mailed me one and said I had 30 days and the one I had had (for 8 years, just like the first one) would no longer work. It is a “fancy” smart flip phone. Too bad the buttons suck. Almost all of the reviews complained about them.
My old computer is from 2011 and has Win7. They said they would no longer support in back in 2020. It still gets monthly security updates even though they said those would stop as well. Chrome stopped running a few years ago. It basically said, “Nope, not gonna do it”. Firefox still runs. I knew my old computer was slow, but wow. A game site I went to daily since 2008 started updating all of their games. It was bad enough when Flash was discontinued, but the new stuff wouldn’t play at all. THAT!! is what finally broke my resolve. The new (2022) bloody thing doesn’t have a CD dive! WTH. It is a gaming computer with Win11 pro. Way more bells and whistles than I will ever use. I had to download a legacy version of Windows Media Player so I could listen to my music using something that I understood.
Up until last month I was still using the old computer to do the bills since all of the account were registered with it and all of my screenshots of the receipts were there. It had become increasingly bothersome waiting. What used to take a couple of hours is now done in 30 minutes. I can’t bear to get rid of it since I have so many downloaded games (over 200) on it. Those play just fine.
Since there have been many times where some of the original strips (be it because they were unavailable or the copyright holder didn’t want them released, or what have you) are missing I hazard to say that this weeks should have joined those. I do not recall this dinosaur being such an bully. I lump this behavior in with the Fat Broad abuse of the poor snake. Abuse played for comedy is rarely funny.
Meanwhile, I wish that the powers correlate the dates so that we do not have summer strips in the middle of winter. Having Christmas (anachronisms aside) strips in July is always jarring.