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Recent Comments

  1. about 21 hours ago on Agnes

    I am a strawberry-blonde and the hairs on my legs are so fair (and soft) that nobody can see them. If only other areas were the same. When I was a kid and I got hair in my pits the first time I was embarrassed to raise my hand in class because of it. I decided to shave them. No one had explained how to do this. I took one of my father’s razors (the old-school type with the screw at the bottom to change blades) and just did it…dry. When Mom came home she explained using shaving cream. My pits were raw and red for a week. Thankfully I hadn’t cut them like I did my legs, which as I said didn’t need to be shave, but in for a penny, in for a pound. I taught my girls how to shave so they wouldn’t go through the same pain.

    I was the maid-of-honor for a friend (she was a teen-bride) and we had a sleep-over on the night before her wedding. She used her dad’s electric razor for her legs. Unfortunately she was unaware that one did NOT use lotion BEFORE shaving, and she wound up ruining his razor. Thankfully, he was always a mellow dude and just laughed about it.

  2. 3 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    He lived up to his name of Mischief. He was a brat who would attack most people, but never me. I would hold him like I was burping a baby, all 24 pounds of him. He was a big cat. Yes about 3 pounds was fat, but the rest was him just being big. My girls rescued him from a storm drain. On their way to school they saw kittens in the street near the drain. When they got off the bus after school they checked for the kittens and could hear one of them in the drain. My youngest crawled down into it and brought up this tiny package. We were renting then and had lived in our house for over none years. My landlord was cool, but I had already asked about pets years earlier and was told no. After living in the house for 3 years he had allowed me to repaint it. He liked what I did so much that he asked me to do the other properties, but I said no. so I had hoped he had changed his mind on that.

    So when this tiny soaked creature was brought to me I was hesitant. It was 2 weeks before Christmas and just like every year since she was little, my oldest had asked Santa for a kitty. Between that and my husband being deployed to Afghanistan I decided we would keep him and just hide him, which we did for years. He died in 2013 and I still have his collar and his pet giraffe, “Boris”. That went with him everywhere.

    Sorry for the extremely long post. That is what happens when it is the middle of the night and I start typing.

  3. 3 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    We were at the light to do the u-turn to get into the vet. There was no traffic, but that light always took forever. The vet is literally 100 feet from the light. I ran it and we got him out and ran inside. They were expecting us, so they got to work right away. The got him breathing again, but they said with how long he was out and how everything was he probably wouldn’t make it. We let him go. Because he had just been to them and they asked if they could do a necropsy. Again, it was something my insurance covered 100%, but the vet said there would be no charge. They had been seeing boy for 9 years by that time. They knew his idiosyncrasies. Every year when I went to see my mother he stayed with them. It wound up being a fast-moving cancer. I was upset because I thought I had killed him since I hadn’t taken him in immediately. They said it wouldn’t have mattered. They sent us flowers and a condolence card. So did the insurance. They also covered cremation. I screwed up and didn’t do that. I couldn’t bring myself to see him like that. So the vats kept him. I don’t know what happens to the animals and I don’t want to know. I know his soul wasn’t in it. Occasionally I would feel something jump on my bed when I was laying down.

  4. 3 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    When our cat Mischief had an operation the staff asked me if I wanted pain medicine for him. I couldn’t believe that wasn’t an automatic thing! They said some people just couldn’t afford it. Pain meds should be included in the price no matter what. I was with that vet for my kitty’s first year just because it was the closest. Then Mischief got really sick. I cannot recall what that vet said it was, but I do remember them saying it wasn’t serious and it would pass. That was on Thursday. On Saturday he got worse. That vet was closed. I went to another vet that had weekend hours. The other vets had misdiagnosed him. The magnesium in our local water was making him sick. Mischief got bottled water and special food for the rest of his (not nearly long enough) life. The price for all of his visits between the two vets was over $1100. Thankfully I has pet insurance and my out of pocket expense was $200. Still a lot of money, but he was family. One of my bosses overheard me telling a coworker and he said no cat was worth spending that much on, but a do was worth it. I asked him what kind of dog he had. It wound up being a chihuahua! I was like my cat is more of a dog than that thing. Back to Mischief. His yearly shots were covered 100%. His annual check-ups were 80% covered. His getting sick wound up offsetting what I paid in insurance for almost his whole life. Then he got sick out of the blue. He had had his yearly just a few weeks prior. Everything was fine. Then he had a bloody stool and was acting wrong. I called a mobile vet service (it was a new thing for our area and the paper had just done a story on them) because I didn’t want to scare him with a car ride when he was already feeling bad. They said it they would be here in 30 minutes. 3 hours later we gave up and took him in the car. I can still remember my daughter crying from the back seat, ‘Mommy he’s not breathing!".

  5. 18 days ago on Adult Children

    East Germany was “German Democratic Republic”. North Korea is the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”. Do either of those countries have democracies? There are outliers for many things. Let’s not forget that Communist China and Communist USSR weren’t exactly friends.

  6. 22 days ago on The Buckets

    I moved around a lot as a kid. I do not know the laws for fireworks in any of them other than Texas. This was 1977-1982, so obviously things have most likely changed. Back then fireworks were illegal. Maybe it was a county thing? The reason for them to be illegal made perfect sense when you see the Franklin Mountains on fire. It happened every single year. One of those years it took over 2 weeks for the crews to get it under control. The view at night of a red swatch across the mountain was weird.

    Weirdly, none of our dogs ever had issues with fireworks. But they, like me, were army brats. At a certain point it becomes background noise. Here at Ft. Liberty I can ignore most of it. However, the Marines come twice a year with their bigger boom-booms. I have more issues with the helicopters from Simmons. Certain bass sounds cause me to have spells. Those are one. As are the bloody trash trucks. Getting old is bizarre. Just when I get used to one set of ailments something else pops up.

  7. 28 days ago on Frazz

    Every job I have had is in the service industry. I have never once had a holiday off. In fact when the restaurants I worked for would close for Christmas it was actually a bad thing since there was not any concept of paid time off. It didn’t affect me, but others whose only income was from the 40 hours work week dropped down to 32. Coming at a time when there are other expenses (if one did celebrate the holiday) added to the loss.

    I lived in Germany for years back in the ’80s. A friend of mine was a local and she told me about their maternity leave. They got 2 years! off. Here in the states we would be fired for taking the day off. The politicians always talk about third world nations without having a clue that many of those “sh*thole nations” have better health care and protections than we do.

  8. about 1 month ago on Petunia & Dre

    Shouldn’t he have filed for divorce BEFORE he had a girlfriend? Some states have extremely long waiting periods before granting a divorce. The idea that there are jack-faces wanting to do away with no-fault divorce is frightening. At least jerk-wad here hasn’t been shown to be violent.

  9. about 1 month ago on Crabgrass

    Congratulations on your Reuben Tauhid!!

  10. about 1 month ago on Mother Goose and Grimm

    Even if I could post it here I probably wouldn’t since it would be rude to do so, but over at Comics Kingdom they have Dustin, and on Sunday the father was at a gym and the worker asked his what his goals were. The rest follows this almost verbatim. This punchline is an old joke, but it is always weird when strips skew so closely to one another.