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  1. about 9 hours ago on Over the Hedge

    I did google it. As of 2023 we have over 60,000 pairs of them, while Canada is less that 40,000. They are no longer on the endangered list.

  2. about 9 hours ago on The Barn

    Every word I said was the truth. Again, you cannot back up your drivel. Go hide your head in shame you Nazi.

  3. about 9 hours ago on The Barn

    Biden had the best admin…, LOLOLOL!!!! Go back to Hamas

  4. about 9 hours ago on C'est la Vie

    LOL!!! :>)

  5. about 12 hours ago on Over the Hedge

    Bald Eagles are from North America. While you can find find Bald Eagles in Canada, there are far more in the USA. Bald Eagles mate for life.

    Oh, by the way. YEA! ICE! GO GET ’EM!

  6. about 13 hours ago on Garfield

    I did that with a really expensive piece of jewelry that I purchased for my wife’s Christmas gift. I had to search for something else. Two years later, I found it, while cleaning out my closet. Even though it was Christmas, she still lit up, when I gave it to her.

  7. about 13 hours ago on Drabble

    To train a dog to take food from your hand, you must hold the food properly. You put the food on the palm of your hand and do not hold it out between two fingers. It is not the dog’s fault if you do it wrong.

  8. about 13 hours ago on C'est la Vie

    And, now, you know why it is called the Yellow River.

  9. about 13 hours ago on Brewster Rockit

    He still thinks that the liberals are running the government. I wonder if he will still be around in September.

  10. about 13 hours ago on The Barn

    Like every liberal that I have heard speak, write down anything, you are the perfect example. You use ad hominem to attack the person, and no facts. You accuse Trump of being a dictator, without proof. Let me give you some proof. Joe Biden, or whoever was running the government, used executive orders to destroy our economy and manufacturing. A good example is the order to do away with all gas ranges, make people buy electric vehicles and I could go on. You use phrases like, Trump is Hitler and taking away rights, which have no truth. Under whoever was running the country while Biden was president, our freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom to not agree with the government was severely curtailed. The FBI went after moms who only wanted to protect their children from the sick and depraved world of homosexuals, (trannies), most homosexuals are normal hard working people. The liberals put a candidate for president that never won one vote for the right to run for the office of president. When Hillary Clinton ran for president, they refused to allow two states to vote and made her the candidate.

    Trump was found guilty of a made up felony. When it reaches the US Supreme court, his case will be tossed.

    Under “Joe Biden’s” admin we had over 3 million illegals enter this country. Tax payer dollars were used to support them. We had cities destroyed because of a real felony, George Floyd, and they were called peaceful protests. We had CHAD/CHAZ set up in Portland OR, which was a real insurrection. Our country was almost destroyed by the people you so proudly support.