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  1. 7 months ago on Zack Hill

    If I were her, I would just give up. Oh, wait a minute…I DID! LOL

  2. 8 months ago on Zack Hill

    Loved all my BT’s. Now I have a rescue Chihuahua and she will be my last dog. She is 14 and I am older too. Vet bills and Social Security do not mesh well. Might foster, later on…then the group you foster for pays the vet bills.

  3. over 1 year ago on Zack Hill

    Same. I didn’t get it at first either. Sigh.

  4. about 2 years ago on Zack Hill

    I have had six Boston’s of my own, and every single one of them shed like crazy. Fostered 3 other Boston’s, and they also shed. Now I have a Chihuahua, and she sheds too!

  5. over 12 years ago on Zack Hill

    RIP sweet Cagney. They always remain in your heart…no matter how many years it has been since they departed from your physical life. I do rescue for BTRNC (Boston Terrier Rescue of North Carolina). Have fostered (and adopted myself) 8 BT’s now. Some went on to their ‘forever homes’, some made their forever home with me. Now am down to 3..the original BT that I purchased..1 adopted and 1 foster. I remember with much love the ones that I had until they left for the Rainbow Bridge. Know Cagney is looking down from the Rainbow Bridge on you and your wife…with love…waiting for the day when he sees you again!!