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  1. over 12 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Organized Anarchy is not ironic. The A in the O literally means “Anarchy is order.” You should do more research on the concept. It is organization without a state to exercise coercion.

    Unorganized anarchy is actually a little more farfetched than organized.

  2. over 12 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    This is correct in the sense that a political anarchist party would not be running for office or have any designated leadership.However, to say that order and anarchy do not go hand in hand couldn’t be further than the truth. In fact, the A in the O stands for “anarchy is order.” It’s an equal and workers rights movement that requires and has a good bit of organisation. One could argue that the IWW (industrial workers of the world) is even somewhat of an “anarchist party” if you use the term loosely, considering they are striving for worker control of industry through a somewhat syndicalist agenda.