000 0557

Darwinskeeper Free

Aircraft engineer who has no sense of humor that he's aware of.

Recent Comments

  1. 8 days ago on Rip Haywire

    I don’t know about that. I know that Rip is tough, but is he Steve Rodgers tough?

  2. 17 days ago on Rip Haywire

    The only more appropriate car Rip could have driven was the Citroen Traction Avant, a very modern car introduced in the thirties that was popular with both criminals and the police. It was a legendary getaway car. It was also used by the Free French to assassinate NAZI officers.

  3. 17 days ago on Rip Haywire

    It looks like a 2CV Charleston, a later fancier version built for people who loved the 2CV.

  4. 23 days ago on Ozy and Millie

    I’ve seen this strip before but somehow I totally forgot the bit about the radioactive croutons.

  5. 25 days ago on Rose is Rose

    Portable tent? I thought it was a wearable car.

  6. 26 days ago on Rose is Rose

    Apparently somebody forgot his position on the food chain.

  7. 29 days ago on Frazz

    According to Meatloaf, Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad.

  8. about 1 month ago on Rip Haywire

    I suspect that Citizen Haywire is going to channel that bitterness into taking down the Highwayman. After all, he no longer has the restrictions of being a law enforcement officer to deal with.

  9. about 1 month ago on Rip Haywire

    There’s something about panel three that suggests that Rip is planning to take on the Highwayman without the restrictions that being Sheriff implies.

  10. about 2 months ago on Ozy and Millie

    The fact that Millie has a flashlight stashed in her overalls is curse level weird.