This should be out it paints a fauls image of home schooled students me being one i know this is wrong. Get your facts straite before you submit a comic for public viewing. Btw I went to prom with my gf at a high school.
Okay so im a home schooled student, I find this comic to be highly offenceive. Have ever spoke with a home schooled student before or homeschooling parents. My parents are not freaks as you say they are. They just decided to take responsibility for there own kids education, we go to college like he rest of them and I play football for the highschool ALL my friends go to public school and they do not say demeaning things like you. so all i can say is you guys need to get your facts strait before you make comments like this or write a comic that is so insulting to us homeshoolers. Oh btw, I went to prom at a hight school with my gf.
Thank You L Nelson :)