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  1. over 7 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    This comic is a homage to the 1950’s marvel or atlas science fiction comics with names like “Journey to Mystery”or “Tales to Astonish” that featured very large monsters coming to earth with names like “Zog!” or “Shagg” or “Groot!”.

  2. over 12 years ago on Nick Anderson

    people think that the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act by Bill Clinton and the Republican congress was the underlining cause of the subprime mortgage crisis.

    The financial deregulation of the banks was insufficient in itself to cause this problem. Many of the big banks already had investment and trading desks and there was defacto deregulation by 1999.

    In the UK, the Thatcher regime had created the “Big Bang” financial deregulation that totally revived the mordant financial sector. This example was one of the big reasons to deregulate the US banks.

    The non-regulation of credit default swaps and the mislabeling of credit risk was the primary cause of the subprime crisis.