I m me mysta chimera

TJ000 Free

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  1. 6 months ago on Dick Tracy

    It has been a while, but I saw on Facebook that Dick Tracy is back to the Moon stories. Yessssss! Just got caught up on the story and it looks like an interesting one so far. I’m enjoying the art too! I wish we could see MM and the Moonies more often, but oh well enjoy em while you got em!

  2. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    What does Mysta do on her promotional tours? TV and radio spots? Does she go on stage before adoring fans like Moon Maid did back when?

  3. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    “are Mike and Joe trying to tell us something?”

    I actually lol’d when I saw the cake. Egad, what a mismatch that would be.

  4. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    It kinda does look like Vera is shivering. Maybe Archival heard about Mysta’s chilling room and decided to turn down the A/C? But then in the next scene Vera sees comfortable again. I guess we’ll see.

  5. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    The colorist, ugh. It’s gotten so bad that I always read the black and whites first.


  6. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Mysta’s determined to get out, and she’s already upset. Watch out, Archival!

  7. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Yeah, after what he did with the freaky “gold” clown statue yesterday, it’d be a surprise if he got Mysta right.

    Who’s the guy in the scuba outfit?

  8. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    This is comical. The strip tells us what color the statue should be. “Gold.” Vera is looking at the statue when he says this, to further eliminate doubt. So what does the gocomics colorist do with this information? Nothing. Instead, he turns the “gold statue” into a pasty-faced “Clown in the Parking Lot” nightmare, complete with a fright wig and two different colored hands. If I saw a person dressed like this holding up a Welcome sign outside the place I was visiting, I’d probably turn around and drive away.

  9. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Very nice, Pequod! I love this “changeling lass” and am wondering if she has developed any new powers since we last heard about that.

  10. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    In other news, it’s official now that Mysta still has blonde hair, since Shane Fisher, the Team Tracy colorist, does the Sundays. I wish the gocomics colorist who does the dailies would take a few seconds to check the Sundays so he could sync his work with Shane’s.