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  1. almost 11 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Sad thing is, the new outlets are very regional, with a rather narrow view of the rest of the US, not just the world. But frankly, I read world news online form all over..UK, Australia, Italy, Middle East, NPR etc…and all of it is biased. The days of reporting facts are over.

  2. almost 11 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Dear dabugger,I work with Dems, in education. They treat students like cattle, subordinates like chattle and anyone without a PhD like the village idiot. Give me a break from the political sterotypes. BTW…I vote independent.

  3. almost 11 years ago on That is Priceless

    Somehow, just not funny today. Just depressing. So little has changed.

  4. over 12 years ago on The Other Coast

    Nice intellectual approach, Mr. Netherton, but your statement seems to overlook certain facts. Animals may not have rights under a human estimations, such as yours, but neither do they ask to be born or comply with their genetic code. As the so-called higher species (a dubious desigantion) we have responsibilities that extend to the need to protect children, the elderly and ANIMALS from the more brutal aspects of human nature when they cannot protect themsleves. Science has time and again shown the intelligence, memory and language skill of ‘animals.’ And an innocent Labrador Retriever has the right to live out its life without being wrapped in barbed wire and dragged behind a car until dead, while it’s our obligation to see to it those who do such things are punished.I am a registered voter, a Republican and the daughter, sister and aunt of veterans. I am a former military wife, I paid for my own education and have worked hard all my life, and your comment angered me more than anything I’ve ever read on a site, specifically because of it’s pretentions to superior knowledge. Spare us the pompous definitions and read a book. I suggest The Emotional Lives of Animals by Dr. Mark Bekoff.