Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015

willy007 Free

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  1. 2 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Croptop’s “husband” seems giddy at the thought in P1.

  2. 5 months ago on Dick Tracy

    It’s true that Rikki feels personally indebted to Tracy, which is why she refused to participate in the hit against Tess. But remember, Rikki did NOT express opposition to FATA’S plan to kill Tess, only that she herself didn’t have the heart to get involved. On the other hand, Rikki DID urgently warn Fata not to take a contract against Tracy (January 8 strip), not because of indebtedness she felt toward Tracy, but because Abner met his doom attempting to kill him. It makes more sense, then, to conclude that this is why Rikki warns Fata in today’s strip not to touch Tracy. Not because she has any great concern for Tracy’s life, but rather for Fata’s. She doesn’t want her friend to make the same mistake Abner did.

  3. 5 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Bob Baxter is really Seven of Nine, and Rikki drinks too much silver nitrate. What a couple!

  4. 5 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Exactly! I mean, are we going to start legislating joking around here? Only by certain people on certain subjects? ;)

  5. 6 months ago on Dick Tracy

    “If she believes Johnny died then she ‘knows’ there was no witness despite having got the wrong person.”

    You have a point about no eyewitness. On the other hand, Morgana has to assume that Tess knows about her visit to the office to see Johnny (might also be security cams to back this up). Even if Johnny died without ID’ing Morgana, the fact that Morgana was there just before his death certainly makes her a person of interest. Combine that with the circumstances of Throughton’s death, also by poison, and she’s a suspect whether Johnny has identified her or not. Plus she has to know that Dick freaking Tracy is going to be all over this, since his wife is involved. If Morgana is thinking straight at all, she knows she needs to go into hiding asap — and especially so considering there is a chance (in her mind) that Johnny did survive and has ID’d her.

  6. 6 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Seven was a human female who was assimilated by the Borg at the age of six and redesignated Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01 — one of nine Borgs assigned to that collective task. Since individual Borgs aren’t given personal names, she was known simply as Seven of Nine. She was eventually liberated by the crew of the USS Voyager and assisted them to find their way home. Later, she was given command of the USS Enterprise-G. (Can you tell I like my Trekkie history?) Unlike the Seven (Morgana) in this story, the original Seven was not a screw up. And yes, she was certainly bodacious!

  7. 6 months ago on Dick Tracy

    I’ve been saying that Seven is a dolt, and arrogant. So I’m guessing yeah, she’ll do the show even though Tracy and everyone else who knows how to use simple logic have figured out that she’s the one who killed Throughton and nearly killed Johnny.

  8. 6 months ago on Dick Tracy

    And all this time I thought the Borg didn’t have emotions. They really broke the mold when they made Seven of Nine!

  9. 6 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Or maybe call it, “Seven of Nine Is a Dummy.” As in committing a murder and a near murder almost back to back, both involving poison, when you had personal contact with both shortly before. Doh!

  10. 6 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Two people poisoned by Seven of Nine

    Two Tracys piece things together.

    Two plus Two is Four.

    Seven of Nine is toast.

    It’s a numbers game.