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  1. over 12 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Wow, I just can’t wrap my brain around some of the ignorant and arrogant comments here. Cars yield to bikers, bikers yield to pedestrians. That’s how it works! We cyclists individually represent the whole cycling world so I admit that we should never hog the road or be selfish or arrogant toward vehicles and should obey all traffic signs & laws. That said, every time we go out to do something we love which is healthy and gives us a vibrant life we put our lives at risk. It’s not a game and we don’t get multiple lives so don’t drive like it. As well, many motorists don’t know that most cyclists are following road etiquette (ride on the right side of the road, hand signal your turns, to turn left you get in the left turn lane with the vehicles, etc). Share the road, stop being such an angry selfish driver, and just be a good person dammit. Why don’t we as a people get as angry with pregnant women for taking up too much space in the hallway, airplane or isles at the store?! Take that anger, get on a bike and get fit.