I’m so sorry. I know there are many who want the vaccine and have health/allergic reaction reasons that they cannot take it. And often the rest of us, who are lucky enough to have an easy experience with it, forget that it’s not always a selfish choice, but often one of necessity. Good luck to you.
@Diane Lee, do you always like the truth? I’m just honest about myself. I’m extremely liberal and know that I am not always right. The truth is the truth. Perhaps disagree is the wrong terminology. And perhaps I should have consulted a thesaurus. My intent was to express my willingness to listen. I don’t always like what I hear or read, but I’m not closed to the possibility that I could be wrong. That help?
I love this comic exactly as it is. The Peanuts gang are older than I am and they would not be the same if they aged. This comic doesn’t need “fixing”. And thank you! JumpStart is one of my favorites.
Seriously? That’s what you have to say about violent death? Wow.