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  1. about 1 hour ago on Pooch Cafe

    Only if the dog ate your homework as well.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Mike Lester

    I disagree. Tax money is extorted from us. But distribution of the money takes no input from us. Why should I pay off the loans of some entitled snowflakes who went to an Ivy League schools to be indoctrinated in leftist propaganda? Or pay for unlimited abortions for irresponsible people who have unprotected sex? I wonder whether some of these women with dozens of abortions someday want to be pregnant and can’t; will they expect us to pay for their fertility treatments?

  3. 1 day ago on Mike Lester


  4. 1 day ago on Mike Lester

    I want reparations for having off my student loans, I also want my morgage and car loans forgiven.

  5. 1 day ago on Crankshaft

    It’s easier when there are no obstructions like furniture,

  6. 3 days ago on Dog Eat Doug

    I was not being sarcastic. My daughter has an orange cat that she rescued from her office when the mother cat abandoned it. The cat hates everyone, including my daughter, who bottle fed the little fiend. It is a very evil cat. It only loves my son-in-law, but she will scratch and bite him whenever she feels like it. Cats do not respect boundaries. I will only ever have dogs, although I would never hurt a cat.

  7. 4 days ago on Mike du Jour

    The sniffles or a cold could be just the sniffles and a cold…

  8. 4 days ago on Dog Eat Doug

    Cats are evil. Especially orange ones.

  9. 5 days ago on Mike du Jour

    That was funny!

  10. 7 days ago on Pickles

    When you can’t grow hair on your head, you grow more on your face, and other unmentionable places.