Flag map of ukraine from 2014

jammer2k Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 10 months ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Prefer the version by Madness, but yep its a song refence

  2. 12 months ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    Lets see, ‘human’ stuck in a locker underwater for a long time, relative to Davy Jones… Yeah odds are really good that she is a ghost

  3. over 1 year ago on Ink Pen

    What do you mean there is no way for him to exercise? He was raised on a farm, that is nothing but exercise. Just cause you don’t see him lifting cows or tractors, or zipping around the farm doesn’t mean that doesn’t qualify as exercise.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Buckles

    There is a great George Carlin bit he did about this, My ‘junk is stuff, your stuff is junk. Of course he didn’t use the work junk.

  5. over 2 years ago on The Duplex

    They will celebrate with lots of barking

  6. almost 3 years ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Gender v Sex, two different things. Sex is the biological result of the person’s genetics (mostly XX and XY, but here are variations and such). Gender is the social construct of how we ‘behave’ and are expected to behave. So how many Genders, however many it takes.

  7. almost 3 years ago on Adam@Home

    He is just starting his street magician career early

  8. about 3 years ago on Over the Hedge

    Gender v Sex, not the same thing. Sex is biological and as Timoth Madigan states there are more combos than 2. Gender is the societal construct we associate with the different sexes.

  9. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Lets see, this comic started in 1988 and Jason is supposed to be around 10. So, 32 years of comic run time + 10 puts him at 42 years old. Looks pretty young for his age :)

  10. about 11 years ago on Overboard

    Never feed a dog cheese unless you have absolutely no sense of smell