Context: is this a reference to the book by Jim Hightower: “There’s Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos: A Work of Political Subversion”?
While I find the Dilbert cancellation to be petty, I do feel that sometimes we must fight contagious hatred that overwhelms the public discourse — sometimes by refusing to give such a platform.
Grounded in Liberal Arts??? Hmm…Physics ( Velocity & Gravity & Laws of Motion ) and Biology are in the S.T.E.M. class of subjects and don’t’t seem to be in the Liberal Arts. The only Liberal Arts Hobbes mentioned was Artistic Expression and Ethics.
Until recently I thought a hereditary monarchy was archaic, and the accident of birth as too tenuous. But when I look at partisan politics in the US, I can appreciate a head of state that has been groomed from birth to reign and whose main qualification was not that they beat down the other guy in the war of calumny that goes on between the Rep and Dem parties.
Yes, I know that England has politics and can be just as nasty in its own right, but a ‘non-political’? head can provide a center-point around which that multiple sides can without seeming to support the enemy.
I notice that Earl ( the guy ) gives advice so one may take it or leave it; while Edna ( the woman ) assumes full authority to give or withhold consent regardless of how the petitioner feels.
Context: is this a reference to the book by Jim Hightower: “There’s Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos: A Work of Political Subversion”?