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  1. 9 days ago on Matt Davies

    Facebook is for ‘old’ people. Ask any teen.

  2. 22 days ago on Non Sequitur

    No, I was assuming she has not yet reached adolescence, which it the time that a lot of young people start questioning the roles that society places on them. That is what non-binary is about — a person who does not identify as exclusively male or female, as those terms are defined by the society around them. It may be a female who prefers machinery to fashion or a male who prefers sewing to football; or it may be someone who feels masculine sometimes and feminine others. It may actually have nothing to do with who they are sexually attracted to, because they view friends for who they are, not what they are.

  3. 22 days ago on Non Sequitur

    The ‘hill’ is the canyon — if the map was upside down.

  4. 22 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Possibly a future non-binary.

  5. 22 days ago on Non Sequitur

    In my experience, the man has his wife/girlfriend go do the asking—especially when the issue is directions. And, once his wife/girlfriend comes back and reports what the clerk said, he says, “no, it’s this way.” And we wander around for another half hour. . .One reason that a person may wander around a store is because they are frugal buyers and they are checking to see what is on sale that they may need. For example, the family has a favorite cereal. It’s not on the list, but by wandering down the cereal aisle, one sees that it is “buy one, get one free” — so two boxes get added to the cart.

    Another reason for wandering is because one knows where an item was last time they bought it; however, it has been moved. Stores like customers to do that because they think people will see more stuff and buy it. They never consider the irritation-factor that makes people seek out alternative stores in the future.

  6. 23 days ago on Matt Davies

    And in the meantime, Israeli settlers are bulldozing Palestinian villages in the West Bank and taking over farms under the watchful eyes of the Israeli military and police forces. It is all about the land. Israel doesn’t want Palestinians there any more than Palestinians want Israel there.

    We, WWII Western Allies, cut the territory in half as a solution for what to do with the Jewish holocaust survivors [who quite naturally didn’t want to return to their homes, which were either destroyed by the bombing or surrounded by unfriendly neighbors]. We essentially told the Palestinians, “surprise!” and then stood back and watched [It was being administered by the British who hadn’t really discussed the matter with the Palestinian people living there]. The State of Israel was declared on 14 May 1948 and the first Arab-Israeli war began the same day.

    People fight with what they have. Unfortunately, the Palestinians have never had a voice.

  7. 23 days ago on Matt Davies

    Palestine is roughly divided into two parts — the Gaza Strip, where Hamas became the elected government in 2006 and the West Bank, theoretically run by the Palestinian Authority [PA]. Palestine, in either location, has no land army, nor an air force or a navy. They are not allowed to have military bases or airports. Their borders are controlled by Israel [including the one with Egypt]. So, how does a group of people [we can’t officially call them a country] protect itself from enemies?

    Tunnels weren’t invented by Hamas; they have been used for centuries by people for defense and for aggression. The first known use of the tactic dates back to the Ancient Romans and Persians, who tunneled under barricades and walls to enter city walls and fortresses. In WW I Germany, tunnels were loaded with so many explosives that they changed the landscape. In WWII, tunnels were used in the Warsaw Ghetto by the Jewish resistance to fight off the Nazis and help people escape.

    The situation has been going since the Western Allies divided the land — Palestinians were not consulted. They were pushed out of their land. And both sides have been pushing and pushing back.

    The West Bank I surrounded by Israel which pretty much controls it by maintaining "a West Bank security presence through the Israel Defense Forces, the Israeli Security Agency, the Israel National Police, and the Border Guard. The PA currently administers some 39% of the West Bank. 61% remains under direct Israeli military and civilian control. And, in 1980, Israel unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem allowing Israeli “settlers” to move in, displacing Palestinians — forcing people off their farms and out of entire villages.

    Hamas was declared a terrorist organization it is true — because it rejects Israel’s existence. Israel rejects the Palestine’s existence, as well. They just ‘push’ by controlling movement and the economy and by moving in settlers. It is all about the land.

  8. 25 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I’m not quite seeing the comparison. Stewart was self-made — no rich parents to pave the way. She was tried for insider trading. She was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction and two counts of lying to federal investigators, but she wasn’t found guilty of insider trading. She served her time. She did not yell or scream or call people names or rant about the legal system being corrupt. She did not ask for other people to pay her legal bills. And she apparently pays all her bills in full.

    Since being released from jail, she is rebuilding her “brand.” She is worth a few hundred million now — not quite the billion she used to be worth, but it’s a start. She has recently been accused of publishing a recipe without giving credit to its creator — but even that person said it was probably not done intentionally.

    She is accused of being hard to work with and demanding of her staff. And, like a number of companies of late — Tesla, Amazon, Microsoft, Peloton, Google, etc., her Living Omnimedia company did fire employees 2015. Gee, she sounds a lot like some big, successful male CEOs we hear about all the time. . .

  9. 25 days ago on Matt Davies

    How did he manage to create the mess since it was also a mess during Trump’s term? Immigration was a pretty big thing for him — that is one of the things he ran on and ranted on. That’s what it’s good for — politics. Sure, it’s a mess, but it is a mess that gets people riled up and heading to the polls.

    The immigration policy has been a political football for decades. It’s one of the “big” problems that no one wants to solve. First, because trying to solve it is hard, and fluid, not permanent. What is an acceptable solution today will probably not fit the situation in a few years. And no solution will ever seem ‘fair’ to everyone so voters will still remain polarized. And second, why bother trying to solve the problem when it makes such good emotional appeal during elections?

  10. 26 days ago on Matt Davies

    Immigration, like many other major national problems, is much more valuable as a political yelling point. When a person not-in-office can tell Congressmen to not vote for a bill [which was very much what they had proposed in the first place] and they do it lock-step, it is obvious we don’t have leaders or even representatives in Congress. we have sheep. There is no concern for the people trying to find a safe life or for the people who are trying to follow the laws. Their only concern is to stay in the good graces of a now convicted felon. Is that what we elect people to do? Is that what they swore to do when they took office? It is really embarrassing.