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  1. over 12 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Foie gras is not necessarily inhuman or cruel. Though I am sure there are those who do produce this delicacy in a cruel indifferent manner.

    I was uneasy and considered abandoning foie gras because of what I felt was unnecessary cruelty to these animals, but with some research I got to understand a lot about why it might not be such a bad deal for ducks(their eventual slaughter aside, of course).

    For instance, take a look at this photo of a duck eating a fish: http://www.birdinginformation.com/wp-content/gallery/double-crested-cormorant/dbl-crested-swallowing-fish-1a.jpg Putting a feeding tube down their throat sounds horrible to us, but is pretty normal for a duck, whose breathing isnt restricted, and who’s throat is adapted to this kind of feeding.

    There’s more nuance here than meets the eye.

    I do love this comic strip, though!