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  1. over 12 years ago on Endtown

    ooo… not sure what the lines are about. must be a tutorial somewhere on how to post correctly to the forum… apologies..

  2. over 12 years ago on Endtown

    hello, all…I’ve been lurking for some weeks now… and WOW. Marvelous storytelling here of late. Curiosity about Marx’s character drove me to peruse Neathery’s other works that Marx has appeared in -and it looks like Master Marx is maturing in both looks and actions since his madcap days in the original Albert and DayCare strips. A character who was near and dear to Marx’s heart back then has yet to pop up in the endtown storyline, and nobody has alluded to her in the comments (well, someone did mention they thought Marx was married). SO…. with today’s strip, I am intensely curious as to where the story line leads next-and who else may pop up from Marx’s many realities… And I am awaiting with GLEE as to what may transpire if Marx should run into Albert and Gustine in the current storyline…