I have Flipboard but it’s like a whole network of interesting nonfiction programs. Useful for car news in our home. But doesn’t have the social media component. Google News, too. I learned so much about what truckers in the Ottawa convoy thought and believed they were righting for, and what the folks in the apartment blocks and nearby small businesses and the homeless shelter were suffering. It adds a dimension if you can sort out reliability of voices.
So that is what I did when I chose subjects in general…eg. Gardening or pets. But now the gardener is in zone 9 so I have to search for a cooler climate garden curater. And I really don’t want to “follow” all the media and sort through all their stories to find the topic I’m interested in. or $$ the paywalls. I just want a general newsfeed under topics I can choose , like LAFires or Cruise ship sinks.
IG has become a chore instead of a quick pleasure to see what people I follow are posting. Now I get three new posts and a wall of f’n reels or teasers to lure me into Threads.First migration to Threads last fall, buyers’ remorse sign-ups were horrified to find they’d lose their whole history if they unsubscribed from one arm of the beast.
Who pulls their strings? In Canada there is official proof of Russia, USA, and in Alberta politics, plus rage farms in Greece, Romania and Washington state.
It’s annoying to have to go through all the choices of feeds and choose a bunch of them. For example the first broad news feed I followed had a boatload of WWF news. (Wrestling, for the uninitiated). I had to follow a second alternate news feed, and looking for more, seems I have to start feeds from individual media outlets. I just want general news, for heaven’s sake!PS it’s a bit glitchy on the iPad. They say they’re working on it.
I have Flipboard but it’s like a whole network of interesting nonfiction programs. Useful for car news in our home. But doesn’t have the social media component. Google News, too. I learned so much about what truckers in the Ottawa convoy thought and believed they were righting for, and what the folks in the apartment blocks and nearby small businesses and the homeless shelter were suffering. It adds a dimension if you can sort out reliability of voices.