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  1. 5 months ago on Pedro X. Molina

    Ye gods, what Stormy Daniels had to go through! Were broadcasting on TV of the proceedings allowed, two-thirds of Americans would be vomiting at the thought of what Trump said and did. As she said, “No one would ever brag that they had sex with Trump.”

  2. 7 months ago on Pedro X. Molina

    The best option is for the U.S. to invite the Russian oligarchs to whom Trump is beholden treat him as he has invited Putin to treat NATO members who are in arrears with their dues. Imagine: Trump, whose entire career is based on stiffing creditors, plays the role of holier-than-thou is putting European countries on Putin’s guillotine block. What sort of treatment would they grant Trump? Perhaps solitary confinement in the Arctic circle until Putin asks an aide, “Is it really necessary to keep bearing the expense of this guy?”

  3. 7 months ago on Pedro X. Molina

    When I saw this absolutely brilliant cartoon by Pedro X Molina I said to myself, “This will win a Pulitzer for best cartoon of the year!” I’ll do what I can to help as many of my politically oriented- and aware friends see it. It appears, however, based on based on leonardonyc’s comment above, as well that Sun’s straight-from-alt-reality-George-Orwell-doublespeak—that neither of the two read serious newspapers or subscribe to websites which publish reliable information, but rather are misinformed by the junk that comes from the RNC, Fox Propaganda, and all the other sources for feeding self-denial and the willful maintenance of one’s ignorance. It’s fairly obvious that the reading of fact-based books and reporting about (a) all of Trump’s history being nothing but lies, (b) his Real Estate House of Cards now about to collapse thanks to E. Jean Carroll and New York State, though © once saved by Russian Oligarchs’ laundered—by Deutsche Bank in the late 1990’s—stolen funds at the end of the 1990’s when Trump was black-listed by all other banks after his succession of bankruptcies for casino failures, and (d) Putin’s skillful maintenance of steady flows of disinformation coming from the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, as well as (e) the political scientists at the best universities in the world who document Putin’s career, motives and actions, have been willfully ignored.

  4. 10 months ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Please explain the image. It looks to me like someone who’s attempting—or has effected—a full insertion of his/her head.

  5. 12 months ago on Nick Anderson

    The KKK is a racist organization, conceived and administered by racists, and at the conclusion of the Civil War the racists in the former Confederacy were Democrats. Since then, the progressive Republican Party, of which Abraham Lincoln was a founding member, generally combatted slavery and racism … until Nixon. Nixon saw that the voters in the former Confederacy, though nominally Democrats, were still racists, and shifted the Republican Party’s moral and social 180 degrees. Newt Gingrich emphasized its amorality, both in person and as a political policy, and Rupert Murdoch arrived on the scene to move it all the way to Hitlerian Nazism, the area where most Republicans today feel comfortable. The Democrats, meanwhile, the party of people who use their brains to decide what to do, not just their lower intestine, kept seeing—as the progressive Europeans have seen—the benefits of morality, empathy and a social conscience.

  6. 12 months ago on Chris Britt

    Murdoch and the Putin GOP are doing it all by themselves, importing Russian propaganda by the petabyte and feeding it to their willfully ignorant.

  7. about 1 year ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    T J Teixeira doesn’t understand that Justice is not “picking on” the orange piñata, she’s preparing to bash his corrupt everything.

  8. about 1 year ago on Nick Anderson

    Hello, Cerabooge — Your comment is reassuring, assuming it also means you wouldn’t vote for the worst of them all, the one who didn’t participate.

  9. about 2 years ago on Chris Britt

    Half-baked incoherent right wing censors at work.

  10. about 3 years ago on Nick Anderson

    Sure there has, on Fox Propaganda and the Russian-fed pages on Facebook. For every 1,000 infected with Covid.19, 999.5 are unvaccinated willfully ignorant morons.