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Recent Comments

  1. about 9 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I live in the United States and I don’t live in fear. I don’t know anyone who lives in fear. Except maybe of foreigners ignorant stereotypes.

  2. over 10 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Yeah, but Obama promised he would be different. Hope and change and all that.

  3. over 10 years ago on Doonesbury

    A little disinformation for the low information voter. Nice!.

  4. almost 11 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Not for a long time now.

  5. about 11 years ago on Gary Varvel

    What an unbelievably stupid thing to say!

  6. about 11 years ago on Bloom County

    The dems have a script now, but the acting is terrible.

  7. about 11 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Yep, folks are so tired of Republicans that they control 30 states. Look at history. Not many times in the last 50 years has the same party been in the White House more than 8 years. A lot fewer times has the Presidents party done well in off year elections.

  8. about 11 years ago on Mike Lester

    What country do you live in?

  9. about 11 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    I don’t see anyone saying the govmint should keep them from publishing. Of course, I exercise my right not to buy and to criticize their lack of decency.

  10. about 11 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Sure, the government does everything else so efficiently.