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Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on Drew Sheneman

    Hey, dumba$$. Braindead’s comment was about what was being taught in church, and my question was related to that comment. Your stupidity is truly of epic proportions.

  2. about 6 hours ago on Drew Sheneman

    I was asking when braindead was last in a church, since he claims to know what is and isn’t taught in them. What makes you think my question had anything to do with a commandment?

  3. about 6 hours ago on Drew Sheneman

    My comment wasn’t about that. My comment was meant to ask braindead (a more appropriate nom de plume has never existed) when he was last in church, since he claims to know what is or isn’t being taught in them.

  4. about 6 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Thank you for proving my point about a pre-determined outcome. Who needs rules of evidence and procedure, or due process, when some internet rando has already determined what should happen?

    You call your opposition fascists, but you are the ones who decide without trial who should and shouldn’t be in jail, even before a lick of evidence is presented in court. Congratulations on being the very thing you claim to be against.

  5. about 7 hours ago on Drew Sheneman

    When’s the last time you set foot in a church?

  6. about 7 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Wait a minute. When all those things were bad, leftists were saying the President has no control over them. So which is it?

  7. about 7 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    The nerve! Doesn’t she know she’s supposed to rush to the pre-determined finish line?

  8. about 7 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    If we’re lucky, she’ll pop him in the microwave until he explodes.

  9. about 7 hours ago on Andertoons

    Ahhh, back when pronouns were pronouns and not “preferred.”

  10. 5 days ago on Ted Rall

    The day I live my life in accordance with your idiotic suggestions is the day I blow my brains out.