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- over 4 years ago on Michael Ramirez
over 4 years ago
on Michael Ramirez
LBJ conducted a seminar on the subject in 1948 by stuffing Box 13 with 200 “uncounted” ballots and its actual contents were never seen again. His party seems to still be good at it since they usually win the close ones. I guess voting early and often helps even if somebody else is doing it for you.
about 5 years ago
on Michael Ramirez
The major difference between capitalism and communism is the former aligns itself with human nature and the latter is its diametrical opposite. Every human being looks after themselves and their loved ones and many of us are even willing to look after others as long as they are not career able bodied leaches. From each and to each sounds great until you realize it requires some anonymous bureaucrat somewhere within a totalitarian government that arbitrarily decides who it’s taken from and who it’s given to.
about 5 years ago
on The Flying McCoys
It was a tough way to go but he effectively created Western Europe and an empire not entirely finished off until 1453.
about 5 years ago
on Michael Ramirez
It will be a train wreck the next time they get the pen and phone in their hands. The only difference between a “moderate” and “progressive” Democrat is the former know you cannot openly campaign that you will force socialism down our throats by using productive Americans as piggy banks. They all have the illusion heaven on earth is possible.
about 5 years ago
on Lisa Benson
Those of us who have actually developed and installed software into production knew “hey it works” was never good enough to implement until it was stress tested with volume and you tried to break it with what stupid people will probably do using it. This is what likely will happen when Bernie waves his magic wand thinking the USA has suddenly been transformed into into Heaven on Earth.
over 5 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
There are a lot of Calvins out there who take a little longer to figure things out. They are called late bloomers whose imagination and initiative can often exceed the accomplishments of the honor rollers.
over 5 years ago
on Lisa Benson
Your are correct to a point because that is the way politics has always been played. What is different now is the Left has a virtual lock on the mainstream media. There is no way Republicans would ever be able to pull off what Democrats did when they weaponized its opposition research within the government bureaucracy because they had the wind of 95% or so of the media at their backs.
over 5 years ago
on Lisa Benson
There are two problems for the newspaper business and a probable outcome. Many in that half of the country the mainstream media despises stopped their subscriptions long ago. Many in that half the media loves doesn’t subscribe because its gets its news on smart phones at Starbucks. The probable outcome is when the Berni/Pocahontus Left finally achieves the totalitarian control it seeks, what little remains of the once quasi-objective watchdog will become a formal party department as opposed to its current status as a volunteer. For those disputing what is underway should consider how stable a democracy is when the losing side with the wind of the media at its back will not accept losing and makes it virtually impossible for the winner to govern.
over 5 years ago
on Michael Ramirez
The problem with the budget has always been guns or butter even though Democrat presidents are constitutionally responsible for national defense as well. Democrats seem to believe we are still protected by two oceans in spite of the fact bad guys have the same aerial stuff anymore we do and of course druggists and other bad guys pass through the southern border like it wasn’t even there. Trump still thinks we need to at least keep stay up with what the Russians, Chinese, Iran and others are up to and spend what is necessary to do that and Democrats have no intention of giving up any free stuff programs, thereby the national debt problem. Once The Democrats regain power the only new military stuff designed to obliterate large chunks of land will come from them not us. Even if we completely eliminated the Defense department there won’t be enough “other people’s money” plus whoever is still willing to lend us to pay for all the free stuff Bernie, Liz, el al have in mind. Buckle your seat belts it’s gonna be a rough ride.
LBJ conducted a seminar on the subject in 1948 by stuffing Box 13 with 200 “uncounted” ballots and its actual contents were never seen again. His party seems to still be good at it since they usually win the close ones. I guess voting early and often helps even if somebody else is doing it for you.