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kantuck-nadie Free

Writer of speculative fiction. Animal advocate, amateur folklorest, and anthropomorphic fan. Mother of one female dog who is in essence, my daughter. (My daughter has 4 legs, a tail, and spots. What's wrong with that? - a t-shirt of mine :). I do love comics and strips. Own nearly 5,000 comics from a lifetime of reading and collecting. (Blame my mother!) Proud Appalachian from the hills of Pikeville, KY (Which I dream of returning to one day. Country roads, take me home) My email: is kantuck.nadie@proton.me (delete kantuck1@gmail.com from your address books, it may disappear at any time) My writings -- (all G-pg13 rated. I don't post anything past that anywhere) Nearly all are writings, a few prints done by others. On the right side of my 'gallery' are folders of my writings. -Kantuck

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Recent Comments

  1. about 18 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    well, if it walks like a duck and sh*ts like one, musta be a duck (giggles)

  2. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    Claire’s gonna pop a neuron. Think she already has, judging how jumbled her thoughts are. “blue footed boobies?” What no #Q#$($%$#%###!!?

  3. 12 days ago on Dick Tracy

    A speedy recovery, and a light bill!

  4. 13 days ago on Dick Tracy

    My prayers, and good thoughts to the Great Mystery to you, and all the best for you, and your speedy recovery. Keep a laptop close by to stop by and see what Tracy is up too in the coming days.

  5. 19 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Fully agreed

  6. 20 days ago on Over the Hedge

    I thought for a moment, Hammy popped out with a cup of coffee. Just what he needs!

  7. 20 days ago on Dick Tracy

    (laughs!) you got that on the nose!

  8. 20 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Art is impressive, today. Writing is indeed better too. Notice the very last panel, well done expression of a psychopath

    I’ve said before it requires a special personality to actually /enjoy/ killing, causing pain and suffering. (sighs) It’d be nice if there was a way to cull this, out of the human species, but it requires geniuses to develop that too, and I’m just this dumb hillbilly gal-child.

  9. 21 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Same here. It stinks. But as I told employees before. “Don’t get old, you won’t like it” then “Getting old is mandatory, growing up is a choice.” So pardon me, while I go into my room. (sounds of me, talking to barbie, and G.I. Joe starts coming from the room.)

  10. 24 days ago on Liberty Meadows
