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Recent Comments

  1. 8 months ago on Prickly City

    and don’t forget — if the Republican wins the election was fair — if the Democrats win, obviously there was fraud even if there is no evidence.

  2. 9 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    The operative word is “fairly.” Like last time, regardless of evidence, if he doesn’t win he will simply say the election wasn’t fair.

  3. 9 months ago on Jack Ohman

    But he’s an extreme conservative Republican so whatever he does is patriotic. Now had one of the “liberal” judges accepted paid lavish trips or had upside down American flags above their abode — the same conservatives supporting/excusing Thomas and Alito would not only demand they resign, they would want their heads on a platter. That is my main complaint with Magism (as opposed to old time Republican party), they have one set of standards for themselves, and another for everyone else. They do it and they simply say they didn’t and claim the other side is actually the ones doing it.

  4. 9 months ago on Rob Rogers

    and while there will be whining about a perceived light sentence, what will be the main factor is not that he’s the president’s son but that he is now clean and sober. Anybody going to sentencing over something they did while addicted that didn’t hurt another person after they have a sustained period of sobriety is going to get a light sentence.

  5. 10 months ago on Dana Summers

    In the interest of fairness there were protests with especially women marching saying, “Trump is Not MY President.” They were not saying Trump was NOT the president, just that he didn’t represent them. There is a huge difference between being angry over the results and denying the results. If the Democrats were devious and smart enough to change ballots to give Trump the win — why didn’t the “tampered Democrat” ballots give them a house and senate majority? What is the point if elections if the only way an election is deemed to be valid is if the Republican wins?

  6. 10 months ago on Jeff Stahler

    What I hate is the double standard. If Biden or any Democratic president was convicted of a misdemeanor, Republicans would be demanding he step down because the President is supposed to abide by the law. (For me it would depend on the misdemeanor.) Now it doesn’t matter what the charge is, how much evidence there is, or that Trump is a proven liar. He’ was right when he said he could shoot someone on a street in New York and get away with it. Even if it was on camera and all he would have to say is “the video of my shooting (said dead person) is a fake created by the evil Democrats, FBI and deep state” and his “fans” would believe and support him.

  7. 10 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    Government jobs are just that …. jobs. And there is a huge amount of administrative work that needs to be done. As soon as something goes wrong, everyone demands government help. Government workers, for the most part, are citizens working for their money, just like we all are. Is there some waste – I’m sure there is, but I also think if we were to see the reality of the work most are doing — and like all jobs, most are doing a good to excellent job — we’d all feel better about it.

  8. 11 months ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    The problem is Hamas and Netanyahu’s government.

  9. 11 months ago on Clay Jones

    Someone with a history of public verbal attacks on the jury, judges (and their families) who is warned at the pre-trial, beginning of the trial … and continually throughout the trial … and continues to do so would be in jail. This isn’t one comment followed by the fine. It is after multiple warnings.

  10. 11 months ago on Rob Rogers

    When protests turn ugly and violent their actions overshadow their message. The violence ends up being the story instead of the message. Those who are protesting to make their voices heard are drowned out and the message gets lost.