Yoga cat

Joeywit Free

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  1. over 10 years ago on Ten Cats

    Call Jackson Galaxy? Yeah, not helpful. Seriously, whichever of the cats is no longer using the litterbox needs to see a vet. A sudden change like that often indicates a medical problem (UTI, arthritis, etc.). If all checks out well, perhaps a change of litter. I had problems with a litterbox-averse boy after urethral surgery. Tried several different litters, and the World’s Best Litter was what we settled on. It’s even cost-effective (just don’t get the lavendar scented, wow!). Here is a link to my online supplier: are many pet stores that are starting to carry this brand also, but I have it set up on automatic delivery from Drs Foster & Smith.

    By the way, I love this strip and all of the cat pix. I read this at work most of the time, so I can’t post pix, but I appreciate everyone’s hard work. I also keep each and every one of you in my heart.

  2. over 10 years ago on Ten Cats

    Completely adorable! Matched set!

  3. over 10 years ago on Ten Cats

    Why did you eat her fly?

  4. almost 11 years ago on Ten Cats

    Confine them in a much smaller area when you are not supervising them. Place a litter pan with nothing in it for them to use. When you clean up an accident, place the paper towel in the litter pan. After a day or so, add small amounts of litter to the pan. Once you have a day with no accidents, move the pan and the kittens back to the tile room. My oldest cat had this problem at first, she was about 6 weeks old, and her mother was a stray who despised litter boxes. Took some patience and ingenuity, but she learned. The kittens I am fostering now are mostly litter-trained, but one still continues to poop right next to the box (there are 7 pans in one bedroom, so no shortage of options). Trying the minimal litter method on her with a puppy pad in the bottom of the pan.

  5. almost 11 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Why are two of the people you reference fictional? Are there so few real humans that exemplify your position? Something to think about…

  6. almost 11 years ago on Ten Cats

    It’s known as lolcat or lolspeak. See here for the translator:

  7. about 11 years ago on Committed

    This should be a baby shower card.

  8. about 11 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I take offense at that.

  9. about 11 years ago on Speechless

    I totally missed the spiderwebs yesterday. I suspect the crosshatching reduced their visibility by creating “noise”. Today’s comic is much easier to visualize.

  10. over 11 years ago on Matt Bors

    But for those who did feel an impact, it was painful. The closing on our house has been held up for weeks because with the shutdown, FHA wasn’t processing funds. Now there is a backlog, so we are still waiting…..