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- about 8 years ago on Ted Rall
about 8 years ago
on Ted Rall
Wow! Going by these comments, you Libs really ARE a bunch of cry-babies that pitch a hissy fit when they don’t get their way. Didn’t realize that – till now!
about 8 years ago
on Matt Bors
Hey, the Dems did this to themselves by trying to push through a lying criminal & make her the “First Woman Prez” just to appear to be PC.
How’s that workin’ out for ’em now? You piss-off enough old white guys (sorta like the ones who finally got fed up with English rule and founded this country in the first place) and this is what you get.
Trump got elected fair and square – live with it.
about 8 years ago
on Ted Rall
Hey, like it or not, he’s gonna be the Prez. He got elected fair & square.
If the Dems hadn’t been so dead-set on nominating a woman just for the PC aspect of it instead of nominating somebody who could actually WIN, then this would never have happened.
Their screw-up and this is the new reality. Get used to it – Polosi’s gonna have to!
about 8 years ago
on Ted Rall
Hillary’s a has-been now. Time to move on.
about 8 years ago
on Matt Bors
One thing’s for sure – we have the most smokin’-hot First Lady in world history, thanks to ol’ Hillary!
So there’s that…
about 8 years ago
on Ted Rall
I guess there was NOBODY on earth that she could beat. A born loser if ever there was one.
Whatta world!
about 8 years ago
on Ted Rall
Their choice – either outcome is fine with me!
over 8 years ago
on Adam@Home
I’m voting for Alfred E. Newman as a write-in this year. I think he has a real chance!
Seriously, I won’t be responsible for electing either one of those clowns.
over 8 years ago
on Matt Bors
More blacks commit crimes, so more blacks are in jail. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.
If they don’t like being busted, then they shouldn’t give the cops a reason to do it.
Seems like more and more often, every time a cop shoots a black person, then a bunch of others commit violent crimes against innocent citizens and become criminals (not “protesters”) themselves.
It never ends.
My sympathies are generally with the cops on this issue, and will remain so.
Hey, the Libs got dumped fair and square. If they wanted to win, then they should have nominated a candidate that was CAPABLE of winning. But no, they just HAD to try to push that lying criminal into office. Wonder how they like the results? I’d say – not much!