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Rich.Wolfson Premium

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  1. over 4 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    As a long time, over 50 years, teacher educator I will not speak to your experiences in your classrooms or the pedagogy exhibited in this particular strip.

    But what I noticed is that this teacher is in a wheelchair. Is this the first time this character has been in the strip? Just this morning Steven Way (look him up) from the show Rami came to my pre-service teacher class (virtually) here at the university where I teach. He rolled into my class 6 years ago and I have learned from him every time we interact. He is a substitute teacher in Northern New Jersey when he is not being a disability advocate, writer, actor and sit down comedian.

    So, way to go Lynn. I would like to see more if this character and how she and the students interact. We can all learn something as well as get our daily chuckle.