No bio available
CV is not a traditional supe. He isn’t conflicted, knows what he likes and wants, and acts accordingly.
Why do I have only one glass?
I don’t know… I haven’t heard of any divine Divorces, usually epic tales of old had more, shall we say tragic ends for these things.
I do want to know how she contacted his wife though, if women have a secret messaging system, I would like details lol.
One of the best pets I ever had was a albino lab rat. Sweet natured, no bite,and playful.
This is really pushing the envelope on CV’s creativity though.
I can see Dennis the Menace as being spot on lol
No real enjoyment without some risk =)
Bixby is working all the time, just not usually on his job. I love his side hustles.
Bixby is my Hero!
CV is not a traditional supe. He isn’t conflicted, knows what he likes and wants, and acts accordingly.