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  1. over 2 years ago on Gil Thorp

    Perhaps he’s a minor, but let’s not forget that all signs point to Greg actually being a grey-haired 23-year-old senior who lost several years of school to whatever sordid past put his family into witsec.

  2. over 2 years ago on Gil Thorp

    I’m pretty sure dragging your doc out to talk to your coach about your medical condition constitutes a waiver of HIPAA as a matter of law.

  3. about 6 years ago on Gil Thorp

    How much work is it to put up a basic website instead of a GoDaddy landing page?

  4. over 6 years ago on Luann


  5. over 6 years ago on Luann

    It’s funny because Tara will probably have permanent hearing loss.

  6. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Too bad someone forgot to put a non-compete clause in their daughter’s employment contract.

  7. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Isn’t this just 5 or so minutes after TJ wrecked the bathroom while Tony bathed?

  8. over 7 years ago on Luann

    When one delves deeper into the symbolic achievement of tying a cherry stem in a knot with one’s tongue in order to impress a potential paramour, it is generally Gunther’s persistence and endurance that is more highly valued than Les’s speed.

  9. about 8 years ago on Luann

    I’m thankful this isn’t Funky Winkerbean as it surely would have ended in Tony’s death, either at the forest fire or something longer and more painful, like some kind of occupational disease.

  10. about 8 years ago on Gil Thorp

    The pantsuit tells me she’s going to coach more in the Bear Bryant / Tom Landry fashion than in the Jim Harbaugh / Bill Belichick fashion.