Guns are not the problem. It’s the Democrat deranged culture in which life has little to no meaning. They butcher babies and mutilate children, don’t they? And that’s just the start. No, guns aren’t the problem at all.
In my mind, I live very far away from Woketardville, but even I can see that this cartoon is tasteless. Women have had to fight so hard for so long to have someone, anyone, actually listen to them when they’ve been sexually assaulted. I thought our country was beyond the days when “she must have deserved it” was an all too common a response to a woman’s plea for help and justice. I understand that absurdity is a fundamental element of satire and that the extremism is inherent in the “Me, too” campaign, but this cartoon goes too far to be funny.
Reduce the holding penalty from ten yards to five yards.