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  1. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    I hope everyone has a great, and safe, holiday today from Emmy Lou and her friends. We thank all of for following Emmy Lou. Cheers!!!

  2. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Wow…that’s really good. I’m Rick, Marty’s son in law. Very accurate information.

    To add to it. Arguello Blvd in San Francisco is named after Marty’s husbands family, her husbands name was Alex Arguello. Marty was also known by her friends and family as Martha Arguello. Also, Ortega Blvd(in the Avenues) in SF is named after Marty’s husbands great great grandmother. There might be another great in there! I read Linda Ronstadts bio once, hope I spelled her name right, and noticed that she had some of the same pioneering San Francisco relatives as did the Arguello family.

    Also, the Arguello family owned thousands of acres in the Silicon Valley area which they donated to settlers and the railroads. Not surprising the railroads took most of that land!

    And yes…Consolidated News was the first syndication arm for Bobby Sox and then when the strip was taken over by United Features in 1958 the strip went by the name Emmy Lou.

    Thanx for your input and research. Marty would be thrilled!


  3. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Sorry everyone!! We’re working to reupload the cartoon. Upload problem. I love the comments though! Once in a while we do it on purpose to get your great comments! Just kidding! Cheers! Rick

  4. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Happy Birthday today to Marty. She would’ve been a young 97 today. And…she’d be thrilled to know that Emmy Lou just told dad to put the cig down!! Have a great day!

  5. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Yeh…me too!!

  6. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Ok…deep sigh of relief. We have a great young guy, Jordan an aspiring graphic designer, scanning and uploading Emmy Lou cartoons with us now starting Sept 1. Yah…it worked…he did it!!! Thanx Jordan!! Have a wonderful day.

  7. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    I really liked this one because that’s why I bought a beat up 69 camaro. Sure wish I had that one back!!

  8. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    I think Marty got a writers cramp!!

  9. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Wait until he hears rap music!!

  10. over 10 years ago on Emmy Lou

    The good ole days!!