When standing in a line and there’s familiar music playing, I start humming along to some old favorites. When I get to the teller or barista I sing a few notes and warn them it is a dangerous thing to have music playing I know the words to!
I remember when they had the recipes for heart-shaped meatloaf and marshmallow meatballs! My mom never made them. For those who don’t remember, they were used in an Alta-Seltzer commercial.
Just wondering if I’m the only one thinking that BD and Ray are referring to their service in Vietnam? Most war vets 20+ years on seem to glaze over the actual details and try to make what happened seem less horrific than it was.
I have reached the point when I have to take the advice I give to those I transport in my business: Remember a cane, a walker/rollator, or a wheelchairs are just tools to get the job done. The job? Getting to where you’re going without falling!
This plugger remembers as a child, approximately 1963… sigh being at a drug store looking at comic books and an older lady with tinted pink hair that matched the tiny toy poodle she was carrying! Certainly not the bold color pink many use now! My mom explained pink and blue tints were used when a woman didn’t want to be grey-haired.
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (S3 ep 15) comes to mind