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fretlessman71 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Baby Blues

    Like pupils don’t really suit you anymore…

  2. 6 days ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Or as Mel Brooks replied: “You said it. They stink on ice. PULL!”

  3. 12 days ago on Lio

    SHE HAS EYES!?!?!?!?!?

  4. 17 days ago on Tank McNamara

    They used to not put names on jerseys so people would buy programs to be able to tell the players apart. Now it’s just a tradition.

  5. 17 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Thanks, it describes me well.

  6. 18 days ago on Tank McNamara

    The Yankees don’t put them on their jerseys. Boston only puts them on the away jerseys. Everyone else has embraced the 20th century. (Which makes the Yankees 125 years behind.)

  7. 18 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    A crayon is safe in its unopened box. But that’s not what crayons are made for.

  8. 22 days ago on Cleats

    …which, at that age, is exactly the point.

  9. 25 days ago on Win, Lose, Drew

    Actually, ABS works great – it takes 5 seconds and ends the argument. Games will be a total of 30 seconds longer. I think the tradeoff is worth it.

  10. 28 days ago on Lio

    Clifford The Big Red Bone Thief.