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  1. over 11 years ago on Doonesbury

    I hate to burst Mr. Trudeau’s bubble, but if one were to go to the US Navy Home page, and look at a link that shows the results of court martials, you would see that a fair number of cases that have been brought up to Court Martial have not been dismissed but dealt with severly. Getting kicked out with a BCD (Big Chicken Dinner) is not a way to go looking for a job in the civilian world.

    Also, if you want to be fair with the gay issue, we are left to believe that they are just like us regular folk and want to serve. Ok, by that token then if they are “normal” then there are just as many sexual predators in that group as in the heterosexual group. One thing the strips tend to leave out that there has been a rise in the same sex sexual assaults. But yet we are to believe that it is only a male/female problem.

    Having served 20 years in the USN, I can say that yes we have had issues, and they have been dealt with. I have seen some who deserved to get kicked out and put in jail get what they needed, and I have seen some walk. But, the problem is not some rampant issue as this strip seems to make it.

    If you want to know the real issue, it’s the fact that men (and women) aren’t allowed to “act” like nature intended in some parts of the world. If you believe in “sex for sale” or not, on deployments, those types of activities are forbidden and I have seen many a young Sailor taken to mast. Yet, during the election we were flooded with some woman who demanded free birth control while she was in law school.

    Trudeau, you need to get a grip and find out what’s really going on rather than just spouting some left leaning talking points.