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- over 11 years ago on Speechless
over 11 years ago
on Speechless
A wonder!.The artist reveals a new faith!.We don’t live on a sphere and we don’t live on a disc:.We live on a cow!.Now I know why the world stinks!.The Australians should be careful. At the place where they are just now they are about to receive all the dung of the world!
over 11 years ago
on Overboard
What a nice comic for an early Monday morning and a start of the week. I feel like the thing looks..However:.
over 11 years ago
on Barney & Clyde
She’s got humor and intellgence as well! Love her!
over 11 years ago
on Overboard
Thanks a lot! And all the best for you guys too!
over 11 years ago
on Overboard
GOOD MORNING, CREW.and.GOOD BYE, CREW!.Due to the fact that I found work again – long term – I haven’t got the time anymore to read comics and the comments columns regularly.
I am leaving you with mixed feelings. I am happy that I am again a recognized member of the human society, because without a job and without money you are nothing. I have a life again, a real life! I can go out and buy things again, eat in a restauraunt or fly to some exotic places on my holidays.On the other hand I am a bit melancholic because some of these comics are really good and became kind of friends in a time when I havd no friends outside because I had no money. Even funnier than the funnies were at least half of the comments. Their unintended humor resembles the boys in the “Soup to Nuts” strip.But there are others too. For example the ones who begin their comments with “Good morning, crew!” Gocomics is changing to the new comics here in Berlin, Germany, at 08:00 hrs. This is 6 hours before it is 08:00 hrs. at the east coast of the USA and 11 hours before it is 08:00 Alaska. So to me it is good afternoon when these guys wake up finally..Anyway I wish you all a good time and all the best for the future.
over 11 years ago
on Dogs of C-Kennel
Birds who are nice, young and beautiful, I guess.
over 11 years ago
on Over the Hedge
What happened to your avatar Vincent Vega?That one I could at lease recognize.
over 11 years ago
on Arlo and Janis
Right you are!
over 11 years ago
on Arlo and Janis
Always welcome!
1.The great cow Laura created at first Laurasia and Gondwana..2.After both molted to one it became Pangaea..3.Pangaea broke up and all the continents moved..4.Ony Australia stayed stubbornly at the same place..5.Now it will receive what it deserves for it’s immobility...By Schrat the prophet