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Insurrectionists? Keep drinking that Cool Aid…..
Hey Arbitrary, keep drinking that Cool Aid…..
Give it a rest! This is a great comic and does not need to be polluted with your political views. Thank God that senile old fool is gone along with his worthless side kick.
I don’t carry a phone and annoyed that we are going to a place where functioning without one is going to be impossible.
This is such a great comic, why do the people that draw it have to devulge their political leanings. Guys, we really don’t care or want to know!
Infinitely more qualified then Biden’s gang of liars and clowns……
No, it’s just something I want nothing to do with.
I have to ask. Who the hell is Pumpkin Jed???
I don’t carry a phone. Mobile phones are a pain in the ar**.
Kamala talk…..
Insurrectionists? Keep drinking that Cool Aid…..