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rockandrollbob Free


Recent Comments

  1. almost 9 years ago on Close to Home

    would have been a little funnier if you put the dogs nut sack in the comic !

  2. almost 9 years ago on Lug Nuts

    Cool simple flip on the skull and crossbones ! It would be a far out T-shirt design . hmmm all I gotta do is click and drag right off this screen crop it and print it on transfer paper haha. done ?

  3. over 9 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Lettuce Turnip and Pea

  4. over 9 years ago on Lug Nuts

    This is too fucking funny,,,,,,its also 420 at my place !

  5. over 9 years ago on The Fusco Brothers

    I just had to google “jitney” and “ennui” so funny I forgot to laugh ! haha

  6. over 9 years ago on The Fusco Brothers

    me too

  7. over 9 years ago on The Creeps

    Jean Flock you are too much,,, I love these comics. by the way, I’m pretty sure I know these two guy’s

  8. about 11 years ago on Last Kiss

    Dr. Larry , if you smoked a joint before you read the comics ,,maybe you would find them funnier ! I do !

  9. over 11 years ago on Sunny Street

    these guy’s are from the TV show Breaking Bad They cook Meth ! and guessing the pilots are from Top gun , with Tom Cruze ,,,oh well ok it’s funny trust me!

  10. over 11 years ago on The Creeps

    Ha ha cried my laughing heart