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TimothyEEdwards Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 12 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    Walking around the block for health, most dogs bark once as an alert that someone is passing, one small dog will only bark if I forget to pet her as I pass.

  2. almost 12 years ago on Grand Avenue

    A book is a book, be it scroll, codex or Kindle – and I am reading this on a screen

  3. almost 12 years ago on MythTickle

    Not the same thing, I know – we are seeing many sick/hungry sea-lion pups here in San Diego this year.

  4. almost 12 years ago on Nest Heads

    J.W. Campbell wrote a story about a shape changer titled “Who Goes There?” – they changed the plot a tiny bit to get a movie called “The Thing”

  5. almost 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    The ONLY time I touched an 8-track was 1963 in a radio station, we had two 8-track players, two turntables, and a microphone – all the adverts were on 35 or 65 second auto-stop tapes, all the music was vinyl.

  6. almost 12 years ago on Non Sequitur

    U.S. Congress, no work, no smarts needed, and you set your own pay…

  7. almost 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    The net makes self-publishing possible – Consider Baen Books, old books are free downloads to introduce the readers to the latest titles, which do get paid downloads. Or, look into Cory Doctorow (or, would you donate to the site of a new artist here on Go Comics?)