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  1. 6 days ago on Crabgrass

    If you use non-silica kitty litter, it’s compostable. They say you can put it in your home composting, but I don’t think I would. We have the green bins that the pros empty and do it on a commercial level that I assume is a lot more sterile.

  2. 7 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    The artist has made this point, while still allowing his protagonist his gesture of freedom, by having Mom be the voice of responsibility. She forbids Wallace to throw his shoes in the bay and chastises him for doing it anyway. Maybe someday she’ll make him go fish the shoes out and wear them again when it’s time to go back to school.

  3. 20 days ago on Cul de Sac

    Any place called Jungle Jim’s is awesome.

  4. 20 days ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    In the legal field, it’s called a judgment.

  5. about 1 month ago on Home Free

    Wow, that’s a LOT. My mom is 88, and refuses to go to assisted living, but she’s not a hoarder – interestingly, in part, because a couple of her relatives were like your dad – parking tickets from the 1950s stapled to the cancelled check payments, about twenty rolls of wrapping paper, five sets of what I consider wedding china, bank documents from their entire adult lives, etc. My mom had your chores and doesn’t want to inflict it on her kids. (Part of her solution, though, is to mail the stuff to me. I don’t know how you feel about the sentimental value of looking through your letters and stuff before recycling, but I feel guilty wanting to throw away my mom’s baby shoes and whatnot.)

    But an 88-yr-old living by herself is a different kind of headache. I don’t wish either on anyone. Good luck with it all! And I hope your father is happy in his new home!

  6. about 1 month ago on Crabgrass

    We got that one also. And “you need to be in the same room as the person you’re speaking to.”

    My mom used to say, “I hope I live long enough to see you have a child like you,” especially about my older brother who was a giant pain as a kid. It was hilarious when he got called to the principal’s office the first day of his eldest kid’s kindergarten. Not because of her behavior, but because of HIS. And a few years later, his son got in trouble for throwing a folding chair at a teacher. Mission Accomplished, Nana.

  7. about 1 month ago on Crabgrass

    Kids can interpret things in weird ways. When I was around that age, I thought the Do Not Pass signs meant “Do not pass this sign,” a la Galdalf’s You shall not pass. I thought we were constantly breaking the law, and I didn’t understand how we could legally get anywhere.

  8. about 1 month ago on Wallace the Brave


  9. about 1 month ago on Home Free

    Fair enough. If you ever have a chance, it is worth the read, but I know there are a LOT of demands on people’s time these days.

  10. about 1 month ago on Cul de Sac

    Glad at least one body part is okay. ;) I’ve heard that dancing really takes it out of you. But it sounds like it gives a lot, too.