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Margaret Faulkner Free

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  1. over 3 years ago on Frazz

    We need to move away from the Pilgrim narrative about Thanksgiving. We celebrate because Abraham Lincoln was trying to unite a desperately divided country during the Civil War. He set the date and he’s the real reason we celebrate. Everything else is mythology.

  2. over 7 years ago on Baldo

    No one goes through this experience unless they have to.

  3. over 7 years ago on Baldo

    Please say that to John McCain and see how it feels. Just because our current President is throwing challenges at our system left, right and center doesn’t mean that ALL politicians are incompetent and unfeeling. Public service is a sacrifice and a life-style. Teachers, postal workers, the Veteran’s Administration, politicians, librarians and those in the armed services all serve for the benefit of others. And they all get maligned at one point or another. But, there ARE mostly good people out there, trying to help. While I understand the frustrations and fears most of us are experiencing these days, let’s not throw all the blame on all politicians. If you think about it, we’re the ones who voted, so let’s take the responsibility for our action, or inaction, and deal with it. Besides, our current President isn’t really a politician. He’s a business man. And he certainly isn’t politic. Perhaps, then, politicians aren’t the problem.

  4. over 7 years ago on Baldo

    Not again! Listen, Gentlemen. The world has enough of this nonsense going on without having more of it showing up here. And I well and truly believe this isn’t helping anyone get “better.” Anger is a fearsome weapon. It destroys everything in sight if not wielded carefully. It has been said that behind anger, fear lies. One of the things your work has done so beautifully over the years is to expose people to a culture other than their own, gently. But, this is not gentle. And it does feel something like an undeserved slap in the face. Most of us are scared spit-less these days. I know I am. But, I also know that this kind of approach, while making you feel better, alienates others. I don’t like it and I’m on YOUR side! We must be made of better stuff than this.

  5. over 7 years ago on Baldo

    Oh, dear. It’s hard to know what to say, but I will tell you that I don’t need any more hate, of any kind, coming at me through this screen. I find the kind of attitude portrayed in this cartoon as appalling as the next decent soul, but that’s the problem. Hate, simply portrayed, doesn’t help us learn to do better. Neither does spewing venom in the comments. I live in the Salinas Valley, in California. I also teach the children whose parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles work in the fields. It is amazingly hard work. A job is a job. It is has no nationality, or ethnic identity. My own daughter worked in the fields after she graduated from college. It was a job. And she isn’t Hispanic. She’s as Anglo as you can get. So am I. And, while I understand such ignorance abounds, I am concerned by the portrayal of Anglo-Americans as this hateful. Most people I know are not like this cartoon character of a man. The sad thing about racism, of any kind, is that it is usually institutionalized, and silent.

  6. over 9 years ago on Baldo

    While I sympathize with the feeling expressed, these strips make my heart sink. As a teacher of small children, I have to face questions like, “Are they going to send us back to Mexico?” I’d like Donald Trump try to answer this frightened seven year old child’s question. This is a bright, English speaking child with much potential. So, these strips are too real for me, without humor or hope. Syria is bad enough. Please stop adding to the fear that already exists. There are sensitive souls. We understand all too well.